Thursday, December 3, 2009

Mr. Who...?

So it’s time yet again to embark on another semester of classroom observation, its already looking us so far, I’m not going to be in Providence! So happy, I was placed Quahog (once again the name is changed for confidentiality). As soon as I found out my placement I immediately went online to look up the school, my first impression was the website was a mess and so hard and confusing to read. I decided on a better approach, Google maps! I was able to see the actually building and a street view of it, second impression, looks really nice let’s just hope that the teacher and students are just as nice as the school looks. The only saying comes to mind, never judge a book (school) by its cover. Hah literacy, teacher joke, pun, well it was funny to me at least.
I was always told by professors that when going into a school as a visitor you should always be your nicest and polite to the secretaries. Truly I never did understand this until this day, I walk into the school, go to the office and get cold stares from everyone in it, I then stood there like a bump on a log until this sweet secretary approach me, “Can I help you?” I replied “Um, yes my name is … and I am here to work with Ms. Jones, I am from URI.” The next response I never expected, “please sign in and ill call her for you, and oh by the way your tie is crooked.” Woops, not such a good start but I’ll make it up, with my charm next time.
The next thing I knew it I was walking down the hall with Ms. Jones, a second grade teacher, she was walking fast, I mean I was almost out of breathe by the time we got to the class. On our little jog she was describing her class, 21 kids, and told me about a few students she has with IEP’s and documented disabilities. I took note and next thing I saw was the class, nice, kinda reminded me of my second grade class. I then met, a student teacher that would be leading the class, Ms. Casey. We were all introduced on a first name basis, which made me more comfortable and more welcomed into the class. Next thing I knew it was the student started pouring in the door, and I mean pouring such a stampede of students wow craziness. I was standing off to the side by the teachers desks and all the kids were looking at me like I had five heads, I hope I wasn’t wear two different shoes the way they were looking at me. The teachers finally calmed them down and began class, after a few minutes Ms. Casey remembered I was there and introduced me to the students, “class we have a new member of the class, he is going to be working with us all year, so treat him just like Ms. Jones and I. class please say hello to Mr. Blum!!!!!”
“Um, no one told me my dad was here on shit wait she is referring to me” I thought, “I was totally caught off guard by that I am not ready to be Mr. Blum!”

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