Friday, December 4, 2009

Arts and crafts were more fun as a student

Arts and crafts were more fun as a student!
Today I met with my teachers early mostly because there was no traffic on the drive up, I was hoping that they would be in meetings like they usually are on Mondays but I was wrong. Almost immediately when I got into the class I was bombarded with questions. I was asked to teach a lesson next week on some of the holidays coming up, I said sure not really thinking about it at all. Was I going to be all on my own to plan this lesson, or would I get any help! So many questions, and so little answers. This was a pattern I was starting to notice in the school.
Then I was asked if I knew what a “die cut machine is”. I had no idea. This machine is pretty cool, its like a giant stamp press. Each block has like shape in it surrounded by a rubber place. You place a piece of paper under it and press down on it through a machine and it cuts out what shape you want, pretty freaking cool.
I was making holly leaves for our classroom calendar, first I made the mistake of cutting all the paper in the wrong size and had to figure out a way to make it work, ok not a big deal just a rookie mistake a teacher told me as she was working at the next machine. Then the stamp press was not cutting all the way through the paper, ok I had to re-align the paper and try again, no big deal. Then when I returned to the class I was told I had to glue three little red paper circles on the leaves, big deal. The glue got everywhere, paper was flying all over the place and the kids were well let’s face it wild and crazy, I managed to get it all done and then I had to give then a test, great how was I going to manage this give a test to wild kids with most of my fingers stuck together from the glue. Awesome.

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