Thursday, December 3, 2009

Gender Audit

The next few times in the class went really well, I was starting to get accustom to how everything works and the students were starting to interact with me and I was starting to take a more active role in their education. Mostly I have just been helping them with worksheets and keeping them inline when they start to act up.
For one of my classes, gender studies in the classroom, I was assigned to do a gender audit to evaluate how the different gender act and play a role in the classroom. This exercise seemed a bit pointless to be at the start especially when I told the student teacher what I was doing. She had just taken the class the previous year and still followed the rules and ideas we had learned. I was afraid that my audit would be pointless and boring. Well it still was boring but not so much pointless. As I started observing the students in the class I began to make careful observations about each gender and certain students as well. I noticed how this one male student seemed to shy and quiet during individual work but when the group work started he became loud and continually disrupting the class. I made the conclusion that he was seeking attention and used causing problems in class to get the attention from the teachers; while it was negative attention obviously it was better than anything else he was getting. Another thing I noticed was that when female students ask question concerning work the teachers would not simply give them the way to get the solution, instead they made them think for themselves on not only the solution to the problem but how they would achieve it. In this observation I noticed different patterns in teaching and response from students had were not equal to both genders. Here are my findings and conclusions about Gender in my classroom.

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